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Earthquakei in Qinghai, China left 400 died


A Bunch of Earthquakes Hit Tibetan Plateau in China.  Yesterday, a 6.9 earthquake rumbled China and it wasn’t believed to have done the area in Tibet much damage.  The day before that, a 5.0 earthquake is reported to have been felt in the same region.  The China earthquake has turned out to be devastating, with some 400 reported dead and widespread damage.

Of course, the area where the earthquakes hit are relatively unpopulated. In addition, some reports indicate that the quake was really a 7.1.  Still yet, it was a strong quake that leveled several homes.

The China earthquake today could be comparable to the Chile earthquake and the Haitian earthquake in terms of damage to the region.  Port-au-Prince is all but leveled and Conception, an area in Chile, has suffered widespread damage as well.
Relief efforts will continue for the other areas affected by quakes. It just seems as if more and more keep getting added to the list.
At the initial onset of the quake, the damage and death toll was uncertain. Now we know that there is widespread damage.  Rescue workers, humanitarian aid, and those interested in helping the Chinese during this time are on their way. We will keep you informed of the details.


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