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Kyrgyzstan Riots: 138 Killed In Kyrgyz-Uzbek Clashes‎


Kyrgyzstan Health Ministry said on Monday that at least 138 people have been killed and over 1750 injured as the the Kyrgyz-Uzbek ethnic clash that begun on Thursday night continued into Monday morning. Tens of thousands of the Uzbek populace of Kyrgyzstan have already fled to the Kyrgyz-Uzbek border to save themselves from the onslaught while those left behind are being slaughtered mercilessly by the Kyrgyz people. Even several women and children were shot by guns as they tried to escape the strife-torn state. Many Uzbek shops and buildings have been set on fire across southern Kyrgyzstan, as the interim government of Kyrgyzstan pleaded helplessness and sought help from Russia to stem the crisis.

The death toll is likely to be much more than the official 138, as many of the bodies have been buried already by the Kyrgyz rioters and many Uzbeks couldn’t turn up in hospitals in fear of getting killed on way. Meanwhile, Uzbekistan has set up relief camps across its border to accommodate and feed the Uzbek refugees from Kyrgyzstan. Russia, United states and the United nations have also stepped up humanitarian aid for those affected and displaced.

It is presumed that the ethnic riots broke out as a result of a backlash by the Kyrgyz people over the Uzbeks’ support of the interim government of Roza Otunbayeva who came to power after an armed revolt, overthrowing the government of Kurmanbek Bakiyev in April this year.


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